6 Health Benefits of Milk

Milk has always been a part of our diet ever since we were born. It was our first food and has been part of the human diet for thousands of years. It is known as a complete planned food and a good source of calcium that can strengthen the bones.

Humans consume milk from many animals like sheep, camel, goats, but cow’s milk is said to be the healthiest among all. Cow’s milk is also under the category of A2 milk that has loads of benefits. If regular milk is good for our health, then the A2 cow’s milk is even better. One health benefit of consuming A2 cow’s milk is that it is easy to digest.

Most of us drink milk without knowing the benefits it can do to our health. Listed below are six health benefits of milk you can learn about.

1.       Increases bone health

Drinking milk has always been associated with healthier bones. This is due to the combination of nutrients, which includes calcium, potassium, protein, phosphorus, and vitamin K2. All these nutrients are essential in maintaining healthy and strong bones.

Adding milk and dairy products to your diet will help in preventing bone diseases like osteoporosis.

2.       Packed with essential nutrients

As stated previously, the nutritional profile of milk is impressive. With just one cup of a whole cow’s milk, it already contains 146 calories, 8 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, calcium at 28% of the RDA, vitamin D at 24% of the RDA, Potassium at 10% of the RDA, Vitamin B12 at 18% of the RDA, Riboflavin (B2) at 26% of the RDA, Phosphorus at 22% of the RDA, and Selenium at 13% of the RDA. Some of these nutrients are lacking in many diets but are present in milk.  Aside from these, milk is also a good source of magnesium, vitamin A, zinc, and thiamine (B1).

Besides, organic and grass-fed cow milk contains higher amounts of beneficial antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta-carotene, which help reduce inflammation and fight oxidative stress.

3.       A good source of protein

Milk is known to be a good source of protein. Protein is necessary for growth and development, immune system regulation, and cellular repair. It is also considered as a “complete protein”, as it contains all nine essential amino acids that are necessary for your body to function at an optimal level.

According to several studies, drinking milk is associated with a lower risk of age-related muscle loss. In addition, higher consumption of milk and other milk products has also been linked to greater whole-body muscle mass and a better physical performance in older adults. Studies also show that milk boosts muscle repair in athletes.

4.       Helps prevent weight gain

According to several studies, milk lowers the risk of obesity. This benefit has been linked with whole milk. Milk contains a variety of components that helps in preventing weight gain and contributes to weight loss. One of these components includes its high-protein content that helps you feel full for a longer period of time, which then prevents you from overeating.

Another example is the conjugated linoleic acid that is present in milk, which can boost weight loss by promoting fat breakdown and inhibiting fat production. Also, several studies show that calcium-rich diets are associated with a lower risk of obesity.

5.       Heartburn eliminator

There is a lot of food that contains acids that can cause heartburn. One of the simplest ways to relieve the pain is by drinking a glass of milk. The thick consistency of the milk helps coat the esophagus and stomach lining, alleviating the pain caused by heartburn.

6.       Disease fighter

Throughout the years, researchers have found that milk helps prevent a lot of different diseases. This includes lowering high blood pressure and reducing the risk of strokes. Milk also has the ability to reduce the production of cholesterol in our liver. It is also found to help improve eyesight. There are also researchers that believe that milk can reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer.

 Milk is a nutrient-rich beverage that gives various benefits to our health in several ways. It is also considered a versatile ingredient that can be easily added to your diet. There are a lot of ways for you to incorporate milk into your diet. Smoothies, oatmeal, coffee, and soups are the most common food where milk is added. In fact, it is not just nutritious but is very delicious as well.If you want to know more about how you can incorporate milk in your day-to-day diet, consult your doctor or any online doctors especially if you have any milk or dairy allergies. For more inquiries about your overall health, you can contact online doctor Canada. They have a wide variety of specialists and medical professionals that can help you to improve your health.